Tuesday, November 14

Podcasting Resources 101

First, download Audacity and the Lame encoder. Yeah, it's totally lame, but totally worth it.
(The Lame encoder enables Audacity to export sound files as Mp3s).

Here's some advice on using Audacity to master your podcast levels.
Newsforge Article.

I'll post more as I learn more.

I'm home sick today, so I'm going to make at least one short podcast to show I can do it.

Here's a visual tutorial in the pdf format that can be used to get started in recording.
A Brief Tutuorial of Audacity.

At the bottom of this website are a few cool Quicktime Movies for some basic functions in Audacity. Check 'em out.
That Website.

Here's a GREAT podcast on the process from someone who didn't have any experience in the process. Also on this site is a link to the actual podcast.
The Website.
The Podcast.

These Podcasts had video (in the form of animated Powerpoints I believe) and gave the whole process, from recording the podcast to getting it published in iTunes. A must listen for any new podcaster hoping to get their show heard:


To record direct from an XLR type mic (the ones people use to sing or talk to an audience) you can now use THIS amazing device! A USB to XLR converter. I love technology! Love it.
Soundtech Lightsnake

The Lightsnake at Musician's Friend: 10 ft. for $39.
Another thing that does that as well: M-Audio's Fasttrack. $99 at Musician's Friend

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