Monday, October 9

Did I Mention That I Love Music?

And here's one place to enjoy music for free AND discover new music, legally.
I've had this discussion with my classes. Using programs like Limewire, Kazaa, etc. to download music for free is USUALLY illegal and should be avoided (not because you could get caught necessarily, but because it's wrong).

THIS website plays you tracks of music from similar artists (that you mention) and then it links you to OTHER music that you would like based on your choices. It's really pretty amazing. For instance, if I put "U2" as a band I like it would first play me a U2 song. Then it would play something that another person who liked U2 liked. If I like the song I click on the little "thumbs up" and it keeps playing. If I don't like it I click on the "thumbs down" and it starts a new songs that's in a slightly different style.

Who thinks these things up.

The website is called Pandora, after Pandora's Box. Only, this is a GOOD box to open. :)


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