Monday, March 26

Welcome To My New Blog!!

picture copyright 2007 Marc Gutierrez

Ok, it's not really new, but it has a brand new look and I've updated the links on the left with some new information. I made a snazzy new banner/header (see the picture with the pencils that says "G-blog"? That's a banner/header.

Here are some important questions you might be asking yourself right now:

What is a blog?

It's short for web log. Do a Google search for "What is a blog?" and you'll find all kinds of opinions and information on the matter. Some use them as diaries, others as places to post information, and still others to educate and teach.

Why do you have a blog?

To keep in touch. To write. To challenge my students and myself to continue writing. To post links to things I think are interesting or thought-provoking.

I like blogs because they encourage us to communicate in written form. Many once thought that the internet would be the death of writing as kids clicked endlessly and mindlessly on pictures, but instead it seems to have created an even bigger need for us to write. The quality of the writing may be questionable at times, but there's no doubt that being able to communicate in a written form is more valuable now than ever before in human history.

That's why I have a blog.

Do students have to blog?

Of course not. If I give an assignment that encourages students to post on the blog, the may submit their answers or thoughts in a written form and turn it in for credit, but if they have the ability and access, I'd like them to learn how to post comments.

How do I post a comment on your blog?

Here's a good link on how to post a comment.

I hope this helps. I will be sending home a form for students to get permission to post on the blog.

I moderate all comments, which means I have to see it and approve it before it is allowed to be posted. I will be posting basic rules for student posts, but I will never allow a student to post their full name or any personal information on the blog, nor will I allow them to post anything I find inappropriate.

Students can also post anonymously if it's just an opinion post (like the post following this one about video games).

This blog is for students in both my Digital Communications class and my Language Arts class. It is also for parents and other teachers who find something interesting or noteworthy. It's a great way to share resources that we find in the community and online.

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